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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:50 am 
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如果設計了飛機翼形和整休機身結構,有冇人識得把這些參數輸入 FMS Simulator 去試試隻機既特性?

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 8:09 pm 
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A program from the Japanese to help you to input a new plane to FMS.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 6:16 pm 
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I have made a parallel port cable connecting my PC to Futaba transmitter, it used to work with my Window 98 PC. Recently, I upgraded my PC to Window XP so I downloaded the XP version of the FMS simulator and installed it on my PC.
But somehow the system can not detect the transmitter. The symptom is: when I selected the parallel port in the control manual, the setting and calibration buttons were dimmed and I can not do anything about it. Obviously the simulator was not reading the signal from the transmitter.

Has anybody faced the same problem before?
Any suggested solution, please!

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 7:22 pm 
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Your parallel port cable won't work with XP. Call Ringo, as he had made a new version cable which equips with a COM port, and works well in XP. Regards.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 2:45 am 
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FMS parallel port cable only can use in Win95, Win98 and Win Me. A FMS PIC cable or Joystick can support from Win95 to Win XP to run FMS.
FMS 2.07 or newer version 2.08 also can run from Win 95 to Win XP. It was because Win XP need a speical device driver for printer port.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 6:17 pm 
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Does that mean the parallel cable can not be used by WinXP for any version of FMS software?

Have you made a PIC cable for connecting to the serial COM port for FMS?

You know there is a CRRCSIM simulator for F3F and general slope soaring. I think this simulator is more relevant to our soaring appetize.

I would be interested if you can make a PIC cable for this simulator too.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 25, 2004 11:33 pm 
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嘩﹗原來 Stanley 用電腦秘密練 F3F, 唔怪得飛得咁快啦﹗等我都要試下至得﹗講開 FMS 接電腦個條線﹐我都整過兩條﹐一條用 parallel port, 靠個軟件去 sample 個發射既 PPM 訊號黎決定枝棍既位置﹐發覺飛D敏感既機唔多掂。我飛隻 Pitts 雙翼機就發覺無辦法 trim 得隻機平﹐後尾整左條 PIC 線就好好多。我都無玩 FMS 好耐﹐條線依家都唔知去左邊﹐遲D搵番出黎一定要試下係 FMS 入面飛熱氣流﹐睇下隻機係好定還是佯黎佯去。

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 3:30 am 
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Yes, before some one can write a program for Win XP.
Yes, I had made a PIC cable for connecting to the serial COM port for FMS.
Yes, I had this program ver.1.4.2 last year. At this time I cannot control by any controller - joystick and other connect cable. It need a special program or device to connect PC and RC.
Please call me. My phone no is 92228678.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 12:00 pm 
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Hi Ringo,

You are working late at night 3:30am?

I have downloaded the program for crrcsim simulator year ago.
I also downloaded an interface program for the Amtel microprocessor 81??.

I have tried to burn the code and build the interfacing circuit but somehow too busy to do it.

If you can make the interface cable that would be good.

 Post subject: Slope Soaring Simulator
PostPosted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 2:35 pm 
講到 simulator, 不得不提 Slope Soaring Simulator

佢有得 set wind scale, turbulence,可以飛ds! 當然可以自己set地型,電腦run-time計氣流, 仲可以玩combat!!
我就整左條超簡單線(一粒電阻)插PC mic-in用 futaba ppm mode 玩.

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