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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:50 pm 
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星期四 landing時,隻電 Filip 係飛鵝山?極都唔見
因為冇裝 BB, 就試?推著個摩打黎聽聲。但都係無聲氣。


我隻 Filip 真係應左"紅顏多薄命"
第一次飛佢個日,就整壞個 Canopy 同 Spinner。
第二次去飛,成 set 槳連 collets 自已飛?去。



我想隻 Filip 保持輕身既特點,以便玩熱汽流。
所以想轉用 brushless motor 加小型 Lipo 電,大約 350mAh

但係隻機都會要黎飛北賽。所以 10秒鐘之內要可以產生極大升力,飛到我視力可及既高度。
我會帶 charger 同後備電去比賽,打算每 round 都換電,所以對電既要求係高輸出、底容量(輕)

請各電機高手比 D 意見我!



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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 6:49 pm 

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Hi Mak,
I believe the origianl setup is more than enough for contest and for fun. With brushless, the plane will be out of sight in seconds, then you have to cut off the throttle and challenge your eyesight.
Investing in lipo cell is a good idea to reduce the sinking rate.

If you are looking for the feeling of vertical launch, you would like to invest in a bigger and visible plane!! Remember the last LMR contest, the $$$ plane just use seconds of power from the $$$ power train.

In the coming LMR contest, let's consider if we can have a class of S400 classic motor or a class limited by wingspan. In Europe, there is still a popular class for S400.

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 8:20 pm 
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Yeung wrote:
Hi Mak,
I believe the origianl setup is more than enough for contest and for fun.

In the coming LMR contest, let's consider if we can have a class of S400 classic motor or a class limited by wingspan. In Europe, there is still a popular class for S400.

不過成個 internet 都

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 9:55 pm 

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To get an exact 36mm is very rare. As far as I know, only 34, 35, or 38 are available from various manufacturers nowadays.

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:04 pm 
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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 10:56 pm 

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喂喂喂!!!!作你死唔記得仲有隻獎品F5J咩!蝦!仲整乜鬼吖!!!!!通常呢D野三次就搆掂,你睇我隻RACE M,一冇電大抄一獲,二大風LANDING機身開兩件,三飛出去無控死埋,佢以經收倒風有新人接手,以經準備同你離婚,唔好免強喇!!冇幸福嫁!!我比你隻機用30MM SPINNER 呀!仲平D呀!!!

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PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2007 11:06 pm 
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哎!我都係咁話!唔夾你既機都係早D同佢離婚好。好似我隻大蕉咁,嫁左去台灣之後都唔知幾happy。阿麥,一於咁啦,我出10文,免強收留你隻Filip,還掂佢未嫁比你之前已經比C.M.玩到殘灑啦! :lol: :lol:

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:37 pm 

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PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2007 9:43 pm 

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 12:28 am 
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如果composite F3X值100分,我會亳無保留俾100分隻Filip,講真,F3X都唔係隻隻做得靚。


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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 1:09 am 
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Yeung wrote:
Hi Mak,

In the coming LMR contest, let's consider if we can have a class of S400 classic motor or a class limited by wingspan. In Europe, there is still a popular class for S400.

Hi Yeung,

The original motor looks like a 280 or 300 motor. It was smaller than the motor than came with my Electric Bee.
The original setup runs with a 4.8:1 gear box and a 10x5 folding propeller.
It was OK for competition, but I would like to have more power.
If I change the motor to a S400 motor. How much weight will it add to the plane ?

I need a new set of power plant.
What do you recommand ?

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 9:26 am 

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I don't have any info of your plane.
If it is already good with a geared 300 set up, then a 400 motor geared at 4:1 should work well and probably overpowered!
Or get a faster gearbox??

If you still want brushless system, I would recommend using the original gearbox and get a short (say hackler B20S series, 2mm shaft to fit the pinion gear).
Or just an outrunner brushless motor, no gearbox anymore! Sorry I don't know much about outrunner)

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 7:52 pm 
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There is a gear attached to the motor itself.
If I change the motor, should I epoxy the gear to the new motor ?

The original motor is 25mm in diameter. Is that a 280 motor ?

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:17 pm 
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It is an S300 motor.

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:18 pm 

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Hi Amk, I think it is a 300 motor.
Looks like it is a fairly deluxe gearbox, It has worm gear!!
If you can take out the pinion carefully, you can mount it on the new 2mm motor shaft by securing it with some STRONG red Loctite (screw glue). Very very strong !!

I wonder if you switch to a 400 motor, you may need to upgrade the "rondo" esc.

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PostPosted: Sun May 27, 2007 8:27 pm 
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The motor and the gear box come in one set. It is made by Aeronaut.


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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 5:18 pm 

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What's the wing span and the net weight (no RC & drive unit) of the plane. The original unit seems to be a very good unit for the plane in terms of $$$.

Hit topics now moving to e-powered gliders for LMR. Are we going to have a contest in coming months? Ah Kin how about your F5J planes. On production for everyone with a nice price?
Or you'll set 1 up for every contestors to queue up and TRY it!

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 7:39 pm 
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I found this site with a Filip V tail version, but it should be the same as my.
http://www.newcreations-rc.com/ProductD ... r=PELVGLID

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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 8:00 pm 
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Ah Mak

Aircraft World 有 Aeronaut parts 同 35mm MPJ spinner。上去買方便個出模型店,三四日就寄到你門口。


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PostPosted: Mon May 28, 2007 9:40 pm 

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PostPosted: Tue May 29, 2007 12:59 pm 

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For a 60" plane at that weight, the 300class geared unit be enough for fun fly and cruising in dead air. A 400 class geared unit be better for LMR but be careful on gear ratio and prop selection to minimize torque roll for easy launch.
Gear ratio from 2.8 to 4 be good choice.
The ESC come with your 300unit will not support the output Amp for a 400class brushed motor.
If your Rondo ESC is still OK, try to replace the 300 motor with an Align 350motor (avail at Ah Kin's), which comes in as a direct drive unit with 2 prop. Just keep on using the gear unit. There should be a great improvement with less than HK$120.
For expensive choice, Hacker B20S is excellent if you also want to invest on a brushless ESC. Cost be at least ten times of this while you may get a launch height at 2 to 4 time more.

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PostPosted: Wed May 30, 2007 10:37 am 
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BigYeung wrote:
The ESC come with your 300unit will not support the output Amp for a 400class brushed motor.
If your Rondo ESC is still OK, try to replace the 300 motor with an Align 350motor (avail at Ah Kin's), which comes in as a direct drive unit with 2 prop. Just keep on using the gear unit. There should be a great improvement with less than HK$120.

Hi Yeung,
Thank you for your suggestions.

If you are going to arrage some S400 competition. I'll keep running the Filip with burshed motor.
However, my Rondo ESC was dead, and the Spinner running on the filip is a oversized 38mm, which looks too fat on the nose of the plane.

I had placed an order with HobbyLoby for a new 36mm spinner. I wish it'll arrive in a few days time.The filip will look much better with that new nose.
I've a Futaba 20A ESC on hand, so I'll give that a try with the old 300 motor. If it's still week in power output with the more powerful ESC, I'll then give the Align 350 motor a try.

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