去年由於疫情關係,很多活動都不能如期舉行。現時已是六月了,又是大家續會的時間。協會今年會豁免各舊會員們新一年的會費,但保險費則仍需繳付。簡單地説,今年7月1日至明年6月30日的會費,舊會員(包括以往幾年未有續會的舊會員),今年只需繳付HK$220 的保險費,便可續會一年,但若是新入會會員,則仍然要收取150元會費及220元保險費,共HK$370元。
由於藍十字保險要求我們在新保險生效前一星期將會員名單通知他們,請各會員在6月24日前將續會費用直接存入協會戶口 恒生銀行359-136991-001 或經協會幹事們代為轉交。存款後請將入數資料經媒體軟件或經電郵
winnang.nwl@gmail.com 通知協會財政- 泳霖。
Our Society's membership renewal is due in June 2021. To help cope with Covid 19 epidemic, we have resolved to waive membership fee HK$150 and only charge insurance premium only.
For 1 Jul 2021 to 30 Jun 2022, membership renewal for current and those old members who had not renewed their membership lately for any reason is only HK$220 for insurance premium as stated above. New membership fee, inclusive of insurance premium, will be HK$370.
Pls arrange to pay renewal fee via channels as before by 24 Jun as required by Blue Cross Insurance and notify our Treasurer- Winna accordingly via social media or her email:
winnang.nwl@gmail.comBank account details: Hang Seng Bank under the name "The Hong Kong Radio Control Soaring Society" (account # 359-136991-001)