Please see below message from our chairman Ricki Lam to HKRCSS members: 請看下面一段林美娟主席給各會員們的訊息:
Dear Fellow HKRCSS
We now invite members to nominate the office bearers of HKRCSS for the year 2021. The office bearers are: Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary. If you have any plan proposed, you can send your nomination to the nomination committee officer, Ken Ma at . The deadline for nomination is March 20, 2021. An election will be held in AGM to elect the year 2021 office bearers from the nominated teams. 現在已是時候接受各會員提名新一屆滑翔機會之主要幹事了。主要幹事由下面四位所組成:主席、副主席、財務 及 秘書。有意作出提名的,請將名單交給提名委員會主任Ken Ma, 他的電郵地址是。 截止時間是 2021年 3月20日。所有名單會在週年大會上讀出,由各會員投票決定。
Thank you for your continue support to HKRCSS. 多謝大家長期支持我們滑翔機會。
Best Regards- Ricki Lam Chairman, HKRCSS