各位會員您好 ,
本會新年度2019-2020的會員續會手續,已經開始辨理 。各位會員可自行存入港幣370元 (其中包括HK$150會費及 HK$220保險年費) 到協會戶口,或將款項交與會長或各現任執委幹事代辦 。由於現有的保險(2018-2019)將會在 6月30日完結 。保險公司要求我們盡快給他們一份續保名單,讓他們有充份時間處理續保事宜。 為確保閣下之保險繼續有效,請各位會員盡可能在 6月24日或之前續會,如一切順利,新一份飛行保險將會在 2019年7月1日起生效。
若閣下選擇親自存入協會之銀行戶口,請將存款之入數收據拍照或掃描,然後再加上你的名字,再以電郵方式傳送給我們協會的司庫陳升偉 (電郵地址是davidswc@ymail.com)作記錄。 請留意,若閣下在6月24日仍未辦妥續會和續保手續,我們要到9月份才會為大家再次辦理。 大家可以隨時登入www.rcsail.com 之討論區,查詢最新之續會狀況。
銀行: 恆生銀行
戶口名稱: 香港遙控滑翔飛行協會
戶口號碼: 359-136991-001
Dear HKRCSS members,
Please note that HKRCSS membership renewal for 2019-2020 has been started. Members can make their payment HKD 370 (which consists of $150 membership fee and HK$220 annual insurance premium) to our society bank account directly, or give it to our Chairman or current executive members.
Please note that our exiting insurance will be expired on 30 June 2019. To ensure the continuity of your insurance protection, please renew your membership and insurance on or before 24 June 2019. Our insurance company is waiting for a new renewal name list to start the document work. If everything run in smooth, the new policy plan of flying insurance will be started on July 1, 2019.
If you are paying the fees to our society bank account directly, please take a photo or scan copy of the bank receipt, put your name on and e-mail it to our society treasurer, Chan Sing Wai at his email:
davidswc@ymail.com . Please note that if the renewal note were not received on or before June 24, we can only proceed the renewal for you in coming September. You can access the forum of
http://www.rcsail.com at anytime to check the updated renewal status.
HKRCSS bank account:
Bank: Hang Seng Bank Limited
Account Name: The Hong Kong Radio Control Soaring Society
Account No: 359-136991-001