各位會員,時間過得很快,現在已是六月,又是大家續會的時間了。協會今年會繼續豁免會員們新一年的會費,但保險費則仍需繳付。藍十字保險通知我們今年的保費繼續是每位HK$250。 協會今年作出一次特殊安排,讓過往幾年沒有續會的舊會員續會。簡單地説,今年7月1日至明年6月30日的續會費用,所有未有續會之舊會員及現有會員,今年均只需繳付HK$250 的保險費,便可續會一年。但若是新入會會員,則仍然要收取150元會費再加250元保險費,共HK$400元。
winnang.nwl@gmail.com) 通知協會財政- 泳霖。 亦可經轉數快,將款項存入轉數快號碼 ( 92579513, Lam Mei Kuen Ricki ) 然後通知協會財政- 泳霖。謝謝!
Our Society's membership renewal is due in June 2024. Same as last year, we will waive the membership fee of HK$150 for current members and will collect the insurance premium only.
Blue Cross Insurance has advised that the premium of our policy will be kept at HK$250 per member.
This year, we have also made a special arrangment to accept renewal for all those members who did not made their renewal last year, i.e. for 1 Jul 2024 to 30 Jun 2025, membership renewal for all members is HK$250 for the insurance premium only as stated above. New joining members will have to pay HK$400 (HK$150 joining fee, plus insurance premium, HK$250).
Pls pay via channels as before: Hang Seng Bank 359-136991-001, or FPS ( 92579513, Lam Mei Kuen Ricki ) by 25 June and notify our Treasurer, Winna accordingly via social media or her email:
winnang.nwl@gmail.comMany Thanks! Happy Flying.