RC Slope Soaring in Hong Kong

EPP HandLaunch converted
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Author:  Akhanhk [ Mon Jan 29, 2018 2:59 pm ]
Post subject:  EPP HandLaunch converted


This is my 5th plane, this time i decided to convert a hand launched glider to a RC with with a 30MM EDF fan in Wingeron Configuration,

Maiden flight was a bit shaky as the support spar wasn't fixed in properly and wasn't holding the wings properly in place.

Specs as below,
32" wingspan,
300Mah 3s
5 blade 30mm EDF with 14000kv
2 x 9g servos for the Wingeron config
10inch 5mm CF support spar,
*and a VERY Sharp box cutter... it is absolute hell to cut the foam using a dull blade.
Flying weight appx 290-310gms

I plan on adding a cheap Betaflight F3 board for auto stabilization as i am not very confident in my flying skills. for the same reason i also chose an EDF to avoid any kind of personal or property damage.

all thoughts and comments are welcome~

File comment: this is with Test transmitter

[ Play Quicktime file ] WhatsApp Video 2018-01-23 at 11.33.40 PM.mp4 [ 1.67 MiB | Viewed 17266 times ]
WhatsApp Image 2018-01-23 at 11.31.53 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2018-01-23 at 11.31.53 PM.jpeg [ 168.78 KiB | Viewed 17266 times ]

Author:  Stanley [ Tue Feb 06, 2018 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPP HandLaunch converted

Are you sure it is setup as a flying wing?
There should have a tail elevator, isn't it?
I guess if there is a long tail, the elevon setup for delta wing is not effective at all, it would be impossible to fly!

Author:  Akhanhk [ Thu Apr 26, 2018 5:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: EPP HandLaunch converted

oops, sorry for late reply,

Yes, it has an elevator, initially setup did not work well so i had to add an elevator. the maiden and succeeding flights showed that it was nose heavy, i had to modify the Elevator cut out to fit in a Bolt with Nut which was adjustable allowing for minor field CoG adjustment.

in the end after all the adjustments to facilitate CoG, i realized that a 30mm EDF is not enough for this plane... it cannot glide well on its own and has difficulty maintaining altitude, addition of FPV camera and a 600mw vtx killed it.

My next build will focus on a nose mounted Propeller at least a 5045 prop with 3 blades or a 6040 2 blade prop with 1860 motor and 1000mah 3s lipo.


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