Just posting after a long time to share and get some advise on my motor glider project,
Its was based on the Photon Motor Glider from Ed's Experimental Airlines, However due to technical reason and smashing 2 props, i decided to convert it to a pusher,
Now it has a Pusher Motor, with 8040 prop and a 1400KV motor with 3S batttery,
Its got a 70 inch wing span with a 5mm Carbon fiber reinforcement rod, with 5" cord and 1.5ish" Aileron. A 36 Inch Fuselage and 18 inch elevators and 15" rudder.
It glides well with out the electronics, however, after installation of the electronics it has some issue with being nose heavy and tends to nose dive real quick (lucky the prop is in the back now... lol)
Let me know what you guys think and what else I can do to improve on this,
I am very interested in the Delta Wings and plan to build a Kfm based delta wing for my next project.
Also would like to know where I can buy some cheap and good quality Depron Boards (in Shenzhen or HKG) for scratch build,
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